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2023 社會情緒教育 (SEL) 國際論壇


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Prof. Maurice J. Elias


Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D., is Professor, Psychology Department, Rutgers University, Director, Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab (, Co-Director of the Rutgers-based Academy for SEL in Schools, which offers online certificates in SEL Instruction and School Leadership ( and a member of the Leadership Team for SEL4NJ and SEL4US ( He received the Joseph E. Zins Memorial Senior Scholar Award for Social-Emotional Learning from CASEL, the Sanford McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education, the Myrna B. Shure SEL Lifetime of Achievement Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Network for Social-Emotional Competence. Recent books include Nurturing Students’ Character: Everyday Teaching Activities for Social-Emotional Learning; Social-Emotional Learning Lab: A Comprehensive SEL Resource Kit, Joys and Oys of Parenting, and the just-published Morning Classroom Conversations: Build Your Students’ Social-Emotional, Character and Communication Skills Every Day, Addressing equity through culturally responsive education and SEL, (, and Students Taking Action Together: 5 Teaching Techniques to Cultivate SEL, Civic Engagement, and a Healthy Democracy (ASCD). He writes a blog on SECD for Edutopia ( Maurice J. Elias 博士是羅格斯大學心理學系教授、社會情緒和品格發展實驗室 ( 主任、羅格斯大學 SEL 學院聯合主任,該機構提供SEL 教學和學校領導力在線證書 (SEL,並且是SEL4NJ 和SEL4US ( 領導團隊的成員。 他獲得了 CASEL 頒發的 Joseph E. Zins 社會情緒學習高級學者紀念獎、Sanford McDonnell的品格教育終身成就獎、Myrna B. Shure SEL終身成就獎,以及歐洲社會情緒力網絡所頒發的終身成就獎。 最近出版的書籍包括:培養學生的品格 - 社會情緒學習的日常教學活動; 社會情緒學習實驗室 - 綜合 SEL 資源包;養育猶太孩子的樂趣及苦惱;和剛剛出版的早間課堂對話 - 每天培養學生的社會情緒、品格和溝通技巧;從文化回應教學和社會情緒學習來談公平問題,( ,以及學生一起採取行動 - 培養SEL、公民參與和健康民主的5 種教學技巧(ASCD)。 他在在教育理想國(Edutopia)網站上針對社會情緒與品格發展(SECD)有個部落格 (。
Prof. Maurice J. Elias

Prof. Carmel Cefai


Carmel Cefai PhD, FBPS, is the Director of the Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health, and Professor at the Department of Psychology, at the University of Malta. He is Honorary Chair of the European Network for Social and Emotional Competence, joint founding editor of the International Journal of Emotional Education, and a coordinating member and expert of the European Commission Network of Experts on Social Aspects of Education and Training. He has led various local, national, European and international research projects in social and emotional learning, mental health in schools, children’s voices, and resilience and wellbeing in children and young people. He is the coordinator of the first Masters programme on Transdisciplinary Childhood Studies at the University of Malta and the first Joint Masters in Resilience in Educational Settings (Erasmus Mundus). His research interests include the wellbeing and resilience of children and young people, mental health in school, children’s voices, and social and emotional education. He has published extensively with numerous books, research reports, journal papers and book chapters. Carmel Cefai 博士,FBPS,是馬爾他大學復原力和社會情緒健康中心主任兼心理學系教授。 他是歐洲社會情緒能力關聯網絡的名譽主席、《國際情緒教育雜誌》的聯合創始編輯、歐盟委員會專家網絡在教育和培訓社會層面的協調成員和專家。 他領導各種地方、國家、歐洲和國際研究項目,涉及社會和情緒學習、學校心理健康、兒童的聲音以及兒童和青少年的適應力和福祉。 他統籌設立了馬爾他大學第一個跨學科童年研究的碩士課程,以及在伊拉斯謨世界計劃(Erasmus Mundus)裏的第一個教育環境復原力聯合碩士課程。 他的研究興趣包括兒童和青少年的福祉和復原力、學校心理健康、兒童的聲音以及社會和情感教育。他發表了大量書籍、研究報告、期刊論文和書籍章節。
Prof. Carmel Cefai

Dr. Ed. Dunkelblau


Dr Ed Dunkelblau is the Director of the Institute for Emotionally Intelligent Learning. A licensed Psychologist, he is an internationally known speaker and consultant on the topics of Emotional Intelligence, Social Emotional and Character Development and the Applications of Humor, laughter and play in professional settings. He has written numerous book chapters and articles and has been an organizational consultant to dozens of corporations, schools, districts and State boards of education. He is the International Coordinator for The Academy for Social Emotional Learning In Schools. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, CNN and he was co-host on an episode of the Emmy award winning TV show NICK NEWS with Linda Ellerbee. He has received numerous awards including Alumnus of the year award from Columbia University Teachers College, the Distinguished Alumni award from the University of Kansas and the Lifetime Achievement Award for Applied Humor by the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. Ed Dunkelblau 博士是情商學習研究所(Institute for Emotionally Intelligent Learning)的所長。作為一名有執照的心理學家,他是一名國際知名的演講者和顧問,演講主題涉及情商、社會情緒和品格發展,以及將幽默、笑聲和遊戲應用在職業環境中。他獲得過許多獎項,包括哥倫比亞大學師範學院年度校友獎、堪薩斯大學傑出校友獎以及應用和治療幽默協會頒發的應用幽默終身成就獎。 他撰寫了大量書籍章節和文章,並擔任數十家公司、學校、地區和州教育委員會的組織顧問。他是校園社會情緒學習學院的國際協調人。 他的作品曾被《紐約時報》、《芝加哥論壇報》、《今日美國報》、美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)等媒體報導,也跟琳達-埃勒比(Linda Ellerbee)共同主持了一集艾美獎獲獎電視節目《尼克新聞》(NICK NEWS)。
Dr. Ed. Dunkelblau


臺灣芯福里情緒教育推廣協會 創會理事長

臺灣芯福里情緒教育推廣協會創會理事長、耕心學院知識長。致力於兒童心理健康促進與大眾心理教育工作,以創造高 EQ社會為職志,為國內社會情緒教育的重要推手。著有三十多本書,包括十八冊專為3-12歲兒童設計之社會情緒教育系統課程教案。









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